Game Wiki
beta 0.11.0 (20.12.2024)
Wiki - Natural Resources

There are three types of natural resources available to players:

These resources are distributed on each tile across the Map, can be extracted by Extraction Facilities, can be traded on the Resource Market, and are used as fuel for some Power Facilities.

Extraction Facilities

Extraction facilities are what allow players to extract fossil resources from their own tile. Each of the three natural resources has a dedicated extraction facility. Unlocking these facilities requires different levels of mineral extraction technology and Warehouse.

For more information about building power facilities, see Starting a Projects.

Each extraction facility has the following characteristics:

The formula for extraction speed of natural resource i is:

Base extraction rates are fixed and determine the fraction of underground resources extractable per day by one facility. They are given in the following table :

Resource Extraction Rate
Coal 0.1% /day (ig)
Gas 0.2% /day (ig)
Uranium 0.005% /day (ig)
ig = in-game time

Resources extracted from these facilities are stored in the Warehouse. Extraction facilities cease operation when the warehouse reach full capacity.

The construction process for an extraction facility aligns with that of power facilities, detailed in the Construction of a Facility section.

Resource Market

The resource market serves as a marketplace for natural resources.

To add an offer for a specific quantity of a resource at a chosen price, users can click on the "Put on sale" button on the market. This offer will be displayed as a new tile on the page. The amount put up for sale is stored in your warehouse but cannot be consumed until sold (visible as "on sale" in the resource graph).

Once another player buys a portion of your offer, you receive the money, and the sold amount is shipped. To remove offers from the market, users can repurchase their own resources without losing money, thereby regaining access to the resources.

If users wish to purchase resources from another player, they can click on the tile of interest, specify the desired amount within the available offer, and click "buy". The purchased resources will be shipped to their location (refer to resource shipment).

Resource Shipment

When a certain amount of a natural resource is bought on the market, it is shipped from the seller to the buyer. The shipment duration and electricity consumption are calculated based on the following formulas:

If the energy demand of the shipment isn't met, it is paused.

Upon arrival, if the buyer's warehouse lacks sufficient capacity to store the shipped amount, excess resources will be lost.
